Springtime can have turbulent types of weather patterns here in St. George Utah. This morning at 8 AM just 20 miles north up the I-15 freeway it was snowing. Visibility was down to quarter-mile, ice on the freeway and it is April 17. Yesterday here in St. George it was 75° and beautiful.
Customers often ask me this time of year how often should I be watering?
I always have to answer, “It depends on the time of year.” For sprinkler irrigation water efficiency I suggest taking a look at the monthly water schedule on the website. It is very detailed and gives you a lot of information.
I find some customers are busy, as we all are nowadays and don’t want to take the time to read something they would rather be told something simple they can implement and be done with it. So we have to go into generalizations to answer their question.
First, the best thing one could do is have me come and evaluate their system, every different zone and section around their yard has likely different microclimates and would best require a different zone runtime water frequency etc. To generalize and answer the customer’s question.
In April I would suggest watering 2 to 3 days per week. Also, it’s easy to set your zone run time for a general amount of time that would be sufficient throughout the year. After that, as the seasons get warmer or cooler simply change how frequent you water leaving the runtime minutes pretty much alone.
Some customers don’t want to be bothered with having to change their sprinkler timer at all and I’m able to tell by there question they want a setting that would be sufficient for the entire year! So that means we’re going to be overwatering your yard here in the cooler springtime in order for it to get enough water once it gets to summertime.
As always I’m here to help the customer and give the customer what they want. Sprinkler irrigation timing is efficiently achieved by adjusting your timer each month for maximum water efficiency and the healthiness for your landscape.
Any questions please call or text.
Thank you, Doug Brown.