Deciding to do or not to do landscape maintenance is emotional. Three weeks ago here in St. George Utah for three nights in a row the temperature got down to just underneath 30°F . I had customers coming out of the woodwork asking to winterize their sprinkler system. For our area here in Saint George that is a bit early. Since then it has warmed back up into the low 70° and as a result keeping their sprinkler systems turned on gave them the ability to keep watering up until now November 20 where as we have received over 1 inch of rain in the last 24 hours and the first measurable precipitation in 154 days!!
Landscaping and sprinkler installation repair is very much emotional. Now with the cooler winter season approaching there is a counter to that emotional instinct. Landscaping projects that require harder labor are more comfortable to do during this cooler time of year. Many companies such as The Sprinkler Doctor are slower this time of the year and offer discounted rates to get these services done that will save the customer money. If you are considering making any kind of repairs adjustments remodels or a complete installation of a sprinkler irrigation system now is the time to get it done during the cooler seasonal temperatures.